Deposit & Payment Information
We have endeavored to create a program that keeps all expenses to a minimum. Even so, living in New York City is a very expensive proposition; housing is very expensive, and most other expenses are more than one would pay elsewhere. Careful budgeting is strongly encouraged.
Program Fee
The program fee for 2025-26 will be between $6000 and $6500 for the semester. Payment will be due on specific payment dates (see schedule below). This cost covers apartment rent, furnishings, utilities, admission to several events and field trips, classroom rental, in-house library, on-site staff supervision, and numerous administrative costs.
Tuition for the classes is paid in addition to the above fee. It is handled like every other Baylor tuition payment: financial aid applies, Baylor tuition schedule applies, etc. Every semester the names of each BU-NYC student are submitted to financial aid, along with a summary of expected costs of the BU-NYC program. The Financial Aid office re-evaluates each student's financial aid package in light of this information. Questions should be referred to the financial aid office.
Limited Campus Fees
Because of the off-campus nature of the program, many campus fees do not apply. We have coded all the courses to reflect this “off-campus” status (i.e., “sec. 80”), so the deductions should be automatic, but each student is advised to review his/her bill carefully to ensure that he/she is not paying unnecessary fees by mistake. Questions may be referred to the registrar’s office.
Upon arrival in New York, a $300 security deposit is due in cash. This deposit covers damage and replacement costs to the apartment and furnishings; books and films borrowed from the program library that are damaged or not returned; and cleaning that is necessary after you leave. If you return everything, damage nothing, and meet all move-out and cleaning requirements, you will receive the full amount back. If damage/replacement exceeds the amount of the deposit, you will be charged additionally and Baylor will take necessary steps to ensure that all costs are paid (i.e., this may include holding of grades until financial obligations are met). See the appendix in the handbook for damage and replacement charges; these may be updated at any time.
Extra Costs
We have tried very hard to keep the students’ "extra" costs to a minimum. Here are the extra costs to anticipate (in addition to your normal costs, like food, entertainment, etc.):
Cultural Events
As part of your homework, each student will be required to attend specific cultural events (concerts, exhibits, etc.). In some cases, the student will have a choice as to what he/she wants to attend (and can keep costs down that way). The budget for these required cultural events will vary from semester to semester, but a budget of $300 should be plenty.
You will be required to purchase a monthly subway/bus pass; they currently cost $127. The reason for this is for your safety (it allows you to ride the transportation system any time, anywhere... no chance you'd be stuck without enough change) and it is generally cheaper than buying individual rides if you travel every day (as most of you will). After the first month of the semester, students should feel more comfortable with the system and may then purchase individual ride passes instead, if they wish.
Mobile Phone
You are required to have a mobile phone. It just isn't safe or practical to be in NY without one, and we need to be able to reach you. Your cell will be your primary long-distance phone as well, so make sure to budget your calling plan accordingly.
Financial Aid
There is no specific scholarship plan for this program yet; we are actively seeking donors to build an endowment, so this might be possible in the future.
However, financial aid may be applicable. Questions should be directed to the financial aid office. The names of everyone accepted into the program are submitted to financial aid for review, along with a description of the costs involved in the program. If financial aid determines that extra financial aid is warranted, they will award it.