Upon acceptance to the program, Dr. Kickasola will issue you permits to register for the NY classes. We offer a range of options to students in Film & Digital Media (FDM), Communication (CSS), and Journalism (JOU).
How to Register for FALL:
Please note that all your courses should say off-campus, not main campus. If yours say the main campus, check the numbers and make sure you have registered correctly. If you have, then you should contact the Registrar's office.
Register as normal. Section numbers may vary from semester to semester, but make sure Kickasola is the professor unless otherwise noted.
FDM 4342, sec. 01 Art and the Moving Image
FDM 4347, sec. 01 Communication and Culture
FDM 4V03, sec. 82 Internship in Elec.-Film Media, (Joe Kickasola, Prof.) Be sure to type in 3 hrs. or it will default to 1.
FDM 4V85, sec. 80 Spec. Prob Film/Digital Media (a.k.a. independent study), (Joe Kickasola, Prof.) Be sure to type in 3 hrs. or it will default to 1.
Switch out your FDM Internship with a JOU or CSS Internship.
JOU 3391, sec. TBA (News internship) (Joe Kickasola, Prof.)
JOU 3395, sec. TBA (PR Internship) (Joe Kickasola, Prof.)
CSS 4380, sec. 82 (Speech internship, TBD)
In Addition to OPTION #2, you may switch out FDM 4V85, sec. 80 with:
JOU 4V95, sec. TBA (spec. studies in JOU-Comm) a.k.a. Jou IND. study; section numbers may vary from semester to semester, but make sure Kickasola is the professor unless otherwise noted.
How to Register for Spring:
Please note that all your courses should say off-campus, not main campus. If yours say the main campus, check the numbers and make sure you have registered correctly. If you have, then you should contact the Registrar's office.
Register as normal. Section numbers may vary from semester to semester, but make sure Kickasola is the professor unless otherwise noted:
FDM 4341, sec. TBA, Electronic Culture 3 hrs
FDM 4397, sec. TBA, Topics in Contemporary Cinema 3 hrs
FDM 4V03, sec. TBA, Internship in Elec.-Film Media, (Joe Kickasola, Prof.) Be sure to type in 3 hrs. or it will default to 1.
FDM 4V85, sec. TBA, Spec. Prob Film/Digital Media (a.k.a. independent study), (Joe Kickasola, Prof.) Be sure to type in 3 hrs. or it will default to 1.
Register as described in option 1, except, if you have the requisite hours to do so (see below), you may switch out FDM 4V03 with the following (and ONLY the following Section numbers may vary from semester to semester, but make sure Kickasola is the professor unless otherwise noted).
JOU 3391, sec. TBA, (News internship) (Joe Kickasola, Prof.)
JOU 3395, sec. TBA (PR Internship) (Joe Kickasola, Prof.)
CSS 4380, sec. TBA (Speech internship, TBD).
In addition to OPTION #2, you may switch out FDM 4V85, sec. 80 with:
JOU 4V95, sec. TBA (spec. studies in JOU-Comm) a.k.a. Jou IND. study)
Internship Qualifications:
You cannot do the program unless you have at least 12 hrs. in CSS OR at least 12 hrs. in JOU OR at least 15 hrs. in FDM (but we can permit a 12 FDM and 3 CSS combination). In semesters leading up to the NYC semester, students should REGISTER ACCORDINGLY this summer and/or fall. If he/she cannot meet this requirement by the time he/she is scheduled to go to NYC, he/she MUST CONTACT Dr. Kickasola immediately.
The category in which a student has the requisite hours (see point 1 above) is the dept in which he/she will take the internship. You CANNOT assume that those departments will permit you to do whatever internship you want.